"This is about my life as a sugar baby and for me to learn from other babies and to give advice. I don’t know everything, but I do drive a Range Rover!"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Meeting Raul

My SB relationship with Jim lasted two years. I had to get out because I was falling for a married man and I knew he would never leave his wife for me. I saved a lot of money when I was with him.

I still worked at the hotel part time and I saved everything I made with that job. I was living at home, rent free, and only had to pay for a few things, actually just my cell phone bill and hair stylist. After six months with Jim I didn't pay for anything. He put money in my account every week and when we were out he paid for everything.

I wanted a new car and he leased me one, I wanted to go to Hawaii, we went. All I had to do was ask. By the time our relationship was over he’d given me $68,000 in deposits, set me up with stock, and leased me a car. So when it was all said and done I purchased a condo in Chicago.

I was doing fine. I transferred with my job, bought a car, and was making some really great friends, like “Ashley.” Ashley had a sugar daddy in Chicago and wanted to make sure I had one too. I wasn’t sure how to enter into a relationship, since my first was a fluke, and I was kind of nervous. However, I knew how easy your life could be with a sugar daddy taking care of your needs. I was only in Chicago for four months and I met “Raul.”

I played 3rd wheel to Ashley and her beau for a charity auction. Ashley’s daddy wasn’t married, just old, and he paraded her around like a life size Barbie. ---Now I could never date a man 30 years older than me, but it worked for them. However, there was a younger man that was interested in me. His name was “Raul,” and he was very handsome. We talked all night, in the morning, had lunch together, and really enjoyed each others company. Within 30 days we started “dating.”

He was already aware of my needs and wants and was more than willing to give. He does everything for me. Now I still have a job, God forbid if anything happened ---but I have my daddy too!

1 comment:

  1. http://www.dating-arrangement.com/ girls joins for free. its a sugar daddy and sugar baby site
