"This is about my life as a sugar baby and for me to learn from other babies and to give advice. I don’t know everything, but I do drive a Range Rover!"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

For Starters

I entered into my first sugar baby relationship on a fluke and became hooked to the life style.

My 1st was in Portland, and I met a really great guy working at a hotel downtown. Let’s call him “Jim.” He would stay at the hotel 3-4 days a week on assignment for his job. We spoke to each other on occasion and one day he asked me out. Of course I said yes and we went to dinner, Thai, to be exact.

We starting going to dinner every week, talking on the phone at night, and I really enjoyed him. My 21st birthday was coming up in January and I wanted to go to Vegas. I saved my money got a great room with my friends and we enjoyed ourselves. While in Vegas I received a call from Jim asking me to go to the concierge desk, because he left a present for me. When I walked down he was standing there with flowers.

I was soooooooo surprised and excited!!! I ditched my friends and we went to dinner and then he took me shopping. He had never bought me anything before, so I didn’t know what to expect, however by the wee hours of the next morning we already spent $8,000 dollars (and he would have spent more)!!! I went to breakfast with Jim in the morning and he laid it on me. He was married, had a daughter, but was unhappy, blah, blah, blah. I actually cried, because I assumed our relationship was real, but then something came over me and I was determined to milk this for what it was worth ---hey I was wearing a brand new YSL jacket.

This is how I landed my first sugar baby relationship and heartbreak at the same time. I still see him whenever I’m visiting California and he always surprises me with something good, but I’m in Chicago now with a new daddy and a new outlook on life.


  1. Ooooh I love your blog thus far. Well written.

    I'm from Chicago and interested in joining the Sugar world (but I also work as a flight attendant).

    Do you have any pointers? I havent been having much luck :(

    P.s. I'm not hard on the eyes or conversationally awkward.

    1. I know this an old post but I'd be interested in conversing with you.

      I'm single and would enjoy some company. And I love traveling and I assume you do also.

      Drop me an email at alaskaflyingrob@gmail.com.

      Warm regards


  2. http://www.dating-arrangement.com/ is a new dating site for Mutually Beneficial Relationships.
